Performing materials to reduce environmental impact
In order to facilitate the sustainable and environmental friendly design, STIFERITE joined the voluntary environmental sustainability label, set up by ANPE (National Association of Rigid Polyurethane Foam), which aims to raise the awareness on this topic and to spread relevant information for companies in the industry.
Furthermore STIFERITE carried out the insulating panels LEED mapping, according to the version 4 of the protocol, thereby assuring the compliance of its products with the required qualifications for the construction of sustainable buildings.
Our products also comply with the CAM standards (Minimal Environmental Criteria), which do not allow the employment of raw materials harmful to health and/or environment and envisages the measurement of recycled material percentages in the products, certified though the product brand ReMade in Italy.
In addition to the environmental rewards, STIFERITE also boasts several corporate and product certifications, which guarantee quality and safety throughout all the manufacturing processes.