Frequently Asked Questions
In this page you may find answers to many questions regarding polyurethane, thermal insulation and Isocanale System.
Please write to us if you do not find an answer to your question.
What is the purpose of thermal insulation?
The purpose of the thermal insulation is to reduce or prevent the temperature changes from one environment to another or between an internal and an external spaces. Materials are considered “insulants” when their thermal conductivity value is less than 0,065 W/mK.
What is Thermal Conductivity or the Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity?
The material’s ability to conduct heat is defined by the thermal conductivity coefficient, and it is often presented with the symbol Lambda (λ), and measured in watts per meter Kelvin (W/m K). It is the quantity of heat that passes a square meter of surface of one meter thick in one hour, and when the difference in temperature between two opposite surfaces is one degree Kelvin.
Is Polyurethane harmful to your health?
Polyurethane is a very versatile polymer from which a vast number of products with different types of properties and uses are obtained. Many objects of our daily lives are made by numerous components of the polyurethane family.
- Expanded Rigid Polyurethanes: thermal insulation for the construction sector, industry sector, and for the cold and hot insulation
- Expanded Flexible Polyurethanes: mattresses, furniture, car industry
- Polyurethanes compact and elastic: shoe soles, sport articles, lycra , athletic tracks
- Polyurethanes for paints and glues: for furniture, on car industry, construction sector
- Special Polyurethanes: medical applications (cardiac valves, prosthesis, filters for hemodialysis, surgical gloves, blood bags), among others
In all of these applications the polyurethane products ensure perfect compatibility with the human safety and health criteria.
How can Polyurethane be recycled?
Polyurethanes can be recyclable in many ways: with the re-use of the material as is, with a mechanical recovery, with a chemical recycle, with an energy recovery by thermo incineration. The options must be evaluated based on the conditions of use of the materials, and the economic and environmental impacts determined by the recycle operation. The option that currently has the least impact on the environment seems to be the energy recovery by thermo incineration.
How much does a polyurethane panel cost?
The price is calculated by how many square meters of panel are used. This price includes the cost of polyurethane foam and aluminum coatings that make up the same sheet, hence the name “sandwich”.
The dimensions, thickness and other characteristics of the panel may vary to meet the needs of the environment where it will be applied and therefore also the price is variable. It is recommended to request a quotation from your supplier specifying your need.